Warden and Chief Warden Training

Delivery Mode


PUAFER005- Operate as part of an Emergency Control Organisation

PUAFER006- Lead an Emergency Control Organisation

  • 5 Hours Course Length
  • 1-3 Years Certificate Length
  • Nationally Accredited

Unfortunately this course is not currently offered as a public course.

We’ll deliver training at your site anywhere in Australia!

Your Location

Real Response has experienced trainers available in most capital cities and regional centres and the ability to run our most popular courses online via zoom with training equipment delivered to your site.


Real Response's combined Warden and Chief Warden training ensures your workplace is never left short when an emergency occurs. Completing both courses together allows all wardens to step into the Chief Warden role if the situation arises.
Prerequisites English Literacy, Physical Ability – Able to Evacuate a Building
Course Delivery
  • 5 Hours Face-to-Face
• Understanding designated responsibilities related to emergency response
• Development of workplace emergency procedures
• Reporting risks and hazards in the workplace
• Communication with building management, staff and emergency services
• Evaluation of workplace emergencies and evacuations
• Preparing for an evacuation
• Assisting others in accord with emergency response procedures
• Implementing emergency planning and control structures
• Fire and other incident control scenarios typically experienced by chief fire wardens
• Methods of raising an alarm and communicating with others during an emergency
• Safety procedures during fires, building evacuations and other emergencies
• Command and control measures for guiding other first aid trained personnel
• Briefing emergency services according to your specific building layout
• Post evacuation management and reporting according to established protocol

Are you looking for a different type of course?

Real Response's Warden training helps participants prepare for unexpected threats, fire, or disaster scenarios in the workplace. Learning to stay calm, communicate effectively and follow emergency plans can save lives.
Real Response's modular Warden and Chief Warden training ensures your workplace is never left short when an emergency occurs. Completing both courses allows all wardens to step into the Chief Warden role if the situation arises. Participants can leave after the Warden module and receive their PUAFER005 attainment.
Our combined warden and extinguisher training prepare wardens to respond in an emergency scenario. Our simulation-based extinguisher training will help wardens to correctly identify the best method to contain or extinguish a small fire and use a range of equipment.