Manage First Aid Services

Delivery Mode


HLTAID016- Manage first aid services and resources

  • 3.5 Hours Course Length
  • 3 Years Certificate Length
  • Nationally Accredited

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This course prepares career first aiders and those in high-risk workplaces to oversee safety standards and maintain first aid equipment.
Prerequisites English Literacy
Course Delivery
  • 3.5 Hours Face-to-Face
• Determine workplace first aid requirements
• Establish and maintain workplace first aid facilities
• Maintain workplace first aid records
• Review the provision of first aid in the workplace

Are you looking for a different type of course?

Occupational First Aid (HLTSS00068) is a comprehensive skill set for career first aiders and those in high-risk workplaces. It allows participants to oversee safety standards, maintain first aid equipment, and prepare them with the knowledge and confidence to provide advanced first aid and Resuscitation.
Occupational First Aid (HLTSS00068) is a comprehensive skill set for career first aiders and those in high-risk workplaces. It allows participants to oversee safety standards, maintain first aid equipment, and prepare them with the knowledge and confidence to provide advanced first aid and Resuscitation.
The Occupational First Aid Skill Set (HLTSS00068) is a comprehensive training program that encompasses a range of units essential for providing first aid in workplace settings. This skill set is designed for individuals looking to fulfill occupational first aider roles and is ideal for those in workplaces requiring a higher level of readiness in first aid.